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Adding Memory to Surrogate Model

We evalate improvement in skill when adding additional memory input to the surrogate model

We can further break down skill by output variable

Variable names for reference


Name Long Name shape unit
Q Specific humidity (T, L, 96, 144) kg/kg
T Temperature (T, L, 96, 144) K
U Zonal wind (T, L, 96, 144) m/s
V Meridional wind (T, L, 96, 144) m/s
OMEGA Vertical velocity (pressure) (T, L, 96, 144) Pa/s
PSL Sea level pressure (T, 96, 144) Pa
SOLIN Solar insolation (T, 96, 144) W/m2
SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux (T, 96, 144) W/m2
LHFLX Surface latent heat flux (T, 96, 144) W/m2
FSNS Net solar flux at surface (T, 96, 144) W/m2
FLNS Net longwave flux at surface (T, 96, 144) W/m2
FSNT Net solar flux at top of model (T, 96, 144) W/m2
FLNT Net longwave flux at top of model (T, 96, 144) W/m2
Z3 Geopotential Height (above sea level) (T, L, 96, 144) m


Name Long Name shape unit
PRECT Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) (T, 96, 144) m/s
PRECC Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) (T, 96, 144) m/s
PTEQ Q total physics tendency (T, L, 96, 144) kg/kg/s
PTTEND T total physics tendency (T, L, 96, 144) K/s