- Community Atmospheric Model (CAM4)
- 30 minute time-step
- 2.5-degree grid (144x96)
- 30 levels
- Four year run (1979 SST; Time Varying) which will be extended to ten years.
- Outputs every 3 hours + additional model time-step (memory)
- SPCAM (super parameterized CAM)
- 20 minute time-step
- 16 SAM (The System for Atmospheric Modeling) Columns
- 26 levels
- Year 2000 SST (Climatology)
- Three year simulations:
- Morrison Microphysics + Conventional parameterization for moist convection and large-scale condensation.
- Morrison Microphysics + Higher-order turbulence closure scheme, Cloud Layers Unified By Binormals (CLUBB)
- Outputs every 3 hours + additional model time-step (memory)
- WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model)
- 50 km x 50 km domains; periodic boundary conditions
- 100 levels
- 100 weather cases
- 1 week spin up at 2 km + 5 day simulation at 200m resolution (LES)
- 3 hourly Boundary Conditions by SPCAM runs + nudging of state variables
- History outputs at 10 minutes (horizontally averaged and mapped to same vertical grid as CAM4)
Output Variables
- Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice), PRECT
- Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice), PRECC
- Q total physics tendency, PTEQ
- T total physics tendency, PTTEND
- Specific humidity, Q
- Temperature, T
- Zonal wind, U
- Meridional wind, V
- Vertical velocity, OMEGA
- Sea Level Pressure, SLP
- Solar Insolation, SOLIN
- Sensible Heat Flux, SHFLX
- Surface Latent Heat Flux, LHFLX
- Net Solar Flux at Surface, FSNS
- Net Longwave Flux at Surface, FLNS
- Net Solar Flux at the Top of Model, FSNT
- Net Longwave Flux at the Top of Model, FLNT
All the simulations have been evaluated zonally for Precipitation and Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) using satellite observations.
Zonal distribution of precipitation using model runs (solid lines) and satellite observations (dashed lines).
Zonal distribution of Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) using model runs (solid lines) and satellite observations (dashed lines).